Since 1999, the One Piece anime TV series has been airing for over two decades. Throughout its long run, many iconic talents from the Japanese voice acting industry have contributed to the show, some…
Sakamoto Days has been the talk of the town ever since Netflix released its first anime episode. The series has generated a buzz among fans as they enjoy the story of ex-hitman Taro Sakamoto. However…
Blue Lock has quickly risen to become a defining series in the world of football/ soccer anime , thanks to its unique approach to the sports. The series not only highlights the raw competitive spirit…
Entering the world of anime is like meeting a diverse range of characters that are relatable in different ways. While some are found to be chaotic some could be perceived as emotionless and each one …
2024 has been an unforgettable year for anime enthusiasts. This year saw some of the most iconic anime moments in ages that stayed etched in fans’ memories, ranging from the cinematic spectacle of Bl…
“Solo Leveling” has undoubtedly made a significant impact in the world of manhwa with its underdog tale and incredible art. Not taking the credit from the series to elevate the status of Korean comic…
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