Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, recently announced a significant change in the editorial team for the beloved manga. Kaito Anayama, who has served as the editor since February 2023, is stepping down from his role.
In his latest comment, Oda confirmed that Kaito Anayama will no longer be part of the series. Taking over the position is Junya Fukuda, who previously worked on Jujutsu Kaisen alongside Gege Akutami. Fukuda will now serve as the new editor for the globally celebrated series.
Kaito Anayama became the editor-in-chief of the series in February 2023, succeeding Yuuji Iwasaki. Anayama was the 14th editor of the One Piece manga and contributed significantly during the Egghead arc and the early stages of the current Elbaf arc.
Since its debut in 1997, One Piece has seen several editors throughout its serialization. Each of them has worked closely with Oda, providing guidance and input on the story. Notably, all the editors have been informed by Oda about how the series will end.
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