Veteran Nollywood Actress Bimbo Akintola Celebrates Her Mom As She Turn A Year Older Today (Photos)

It’s beautiful when people celebrate their parents because we wouldn’t even exist without them. When we appreciate them, it can mean a lot to them and also encourage people to do the same.

Bimbo Akintola who has been active in Nollywood since 1995 sees her mum as a superwoman because she was available to bring up her six children almost alone because her dad was a custom officer who could be away. Her mother who she said was incredibly present for them, having time for each one of them is a year older today and it is just beautiful to see her celebrate the woman.

On her Instagram page, with a photo of her mum and dad, she wished her mum a happy birthday. She did this in a short but very emotional words, she said she loves her mum to the moon and back.


Halima Abubakar, Kehinde Bankole and many other people have shown her love with Halima even calling her mummy.

See some of the wishes below;

Happy birthday ma.

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