Kwara govt. to create an interfaith committee to resolve religious crisis over hijab crisis

Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara state said his administration would create an interfaith committee that would help resolve all disputes and concerns of the Christian and Muslim faith.

The governor, during a state-wide broadcast to the people of the state, applauds the restrain and statesmanship displayed by the religious leaders despite their obvious different stands and opinion.

Abdulrazaq admits that after meeting with thought leaders from the Christian and Muslim communities, that “beneath the tensions and misgivings around the hijab decision are old wounds that must be healed.

”I commend them and reassure them that we will always be fair, courageous in taking decisions for sustainable peace, and be willing to listen to their concerns.

” On 26th February 2021, the administration announced an official policy allowing any willing Muslim schoolgirl to wear the hijab in public schools.

” That announcement followed several days of consultations, meetings, brainstorming, and dispassionate weighing of policy options.

” We took the decision in good faith and in the overall interest of all. I swore an oath to protect every Kwara.

” This oath includes looking at the bigger picture and doing everything to prevent a crisis before it occurs,”

Abdulrazaq told all Kwara citizens that his administration will take all necessary measures to address the concerns raised by both faith communities.

He added, in doing so, a huge dose of understanding, selflessness, and patriotism will be required.”

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